Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter: Death & Life in the Holographic Computational Universe

Easter is the most important holiday in the Christian faith. During these four days and for many afterwards, Yeshua (Jesus) who claimed and demonstrated that he was in fact God in the flesh, gave his life as a sacrifice to redeem humanity from the darkness of being cut off from God. Then, after going into hell and recovering to life those that were there because of unredeemed sin, his body was resurrected into our world. After being seen and meeting with many followers and his twelve disciples, he left this universe and returned to the place where God dwells where he now acts as our High Priest and is preparing a new universe for us to live in after he returns soon to cleanse the earth of the corruption is has labored under for so long.

This is the Easter story that we all know and that the scriptures describe.

But to many this sounds fantastic and unbelievable.  The very idea that a God could (or would) become a man, never mind being executed in the one of the most brutal and gruesome ways possible and THEN coming back to life! Such a scenario seems so fantastic as to be very hard to believe. Why is that? It is because we have not experienced such a thing in our daily lives and these things seem to violate the principle that 1) Gods do not become men, and 2) Dead men do not come back to life!, and finally 3) One person cannot save all people everywhere throughout time through his death.

But lets look at this entire scenario in the context of what we have learned about the nature of reality.

We have discovered that there is a strong likelihood that we live in a two-dimensional holographic animated image (what I like to call a holomovement). This image or universe we experience is being projected from beyond the horizon of our universe from some light source ("God"). We have learned that both God and ourselves are participating together in the creation of this hologram by the act of observing it and giving it meaning. If we are indeed beings of light existing within a holographic reality being projected from God (who is called  "the Father of Lights" in scripture), and we are helping to shape our reality by observing it, then such an idea as a "resurrection" is not impossible or crazy after all. The incarnation of God as Yeshua was God simply extending part of himself into our reality (similar to Doctor Quantum extending himself into Flatland) in order to remove the corruption of his light-children. Death is nothing more than "leaving the hologram" or simply changing location (what out Flatlander experienced when leaving Flatland). No one is extinguished. No one actually "dies". Things die. People do not. The act of restoring our connection with God was simply fixing the corrupted nature of the hologram and the program which we are currently running in.

The idea that we are programs running in a holographic photonic (light-based) quantum computer is a plausible one and likely one as well. We haven't covered this subject yet so some of these ideas may seem far-fetched and complicated but they are quite logical and science is moving quickly to explain that the universe is exactly this: a Quantum Photonic Holographic Program and we are ourselves highly complex quantum programs. This program is a holomovement projected onto a two-dimensional surface (the universe) and we are seeing ourselves as three-dimensional entities in a three-dimensional reality - like all holograms do.

So, what Jesus did was 1) enter the hologram 2) teach us how the holographic program works and how we are to use it 3) teach us about the connectedness (or "entanglement" - remember this?) of all things including all humans and 4) patched the corrupted information that was us and then he 5) restored our place as masters of this universe and God's sons and daughters with the powers and authority that we were meant to have. The idea of "death" - or extinguishing of existence - has been eliminated and eternal existence restored to us as God's children. Jesus was a new "human" that was uncorrupted and able to fix the broken program. He was the only one. God had to do it himself. We could not - which is why "religion" is unworkable. No human could have fixed what was corrupted since we were all corrupted ourselves.

Some of you may wonder where all of this computer terminology comes from, and I will be getting to all of this soon, but rest assured that more and more reputable scientists are beginning to suspect that we live in a quantum computational reality...that we are essentially programs within a program and that each "atom" is merely a computation of 1 or 0 (just as all programs are). In fact, all of reality is just the processing information, which means we live in a magnificent holographic simulation and God is the supreme programmer, artist, inventor and creator... and He is our "Father" because we are made in His image. We look and behave and have the same basic attributes He does. Jesus is God and He is also human. He has made us - his brothers and sisters - to share the same attributes and powers that He has. It's just that we have been lost for so long that few of us realize this and even know what this means for our lives.

What Jesus did was restore our communication with the Creator, restore our knowledge of who and what we are, patch our corrupted programs (those who desire to be restored) and restore our destiny to exist beyond the hologram at some future date when God creates a new universe for us to live in. In fact, He is probably creating many, many new universes ( or "mansions" as Jesus called them).

So Easter is not simply a fantastic fantasy story of magic and impossibilities but a very logical and likely and necessary act to fix a broken situation.

Jesus deserves our everlasting thanks, gratitude, praise and worship. We have been restored to rule all that our Father has made. We are no longer lost victims but everlasting light-beings who were born to co-create and co-rule all of creation.

And this is what Easter is all about!

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